by Julie A Symons | Feb 13, 2016 | Dog Sports
Three weeks ago today I started my new puppy on Nosework. That’s a very short amount of time but in dog training MUCH can be accomplished. I’ve been trying some new tactics – adjusting things for a puppy but also upping the ante when I felt he was...
by Julie A Symons | Feb 9, 2016 | Dog Sports
It seems not a week goes by without reading or being asked if Nosework interferes with other scent sports, whether being tracking, scent articles or more recently field hunting. We’ve all heard these types of concerns before with other sports. I was told by a...
by Julie A Symons | Jan 29, 2016 | Dog Sports
I started Drac on Nosework last week. He was 12 weeks old. There was no reason to start at that age, I just knew I wanted to start him soon! The first month of having a new puppy is filled with so much change, adjustment, relationship building, lack of sleep and poop!...
by Julie A Symons | Jan 23, 2016 | Dog Sports
With Yin, comes Yang! “Nothing is completely Yin or completely Yang. Each aspect contains the beginning point for the other aspect …as one aspect increases the other decreases to maintain overall balance of the whole.” Drac has this adorable natural...
by Julie A Symons | Jan 16, 2016 | Dog Sports
We’ve survived another week! The name of the game at this age seems to be “what does he have in his mouth now”?? With the gazillion chew toys around, why do they want to chew on wood, cardboard, shoes and every small object?? The week also included...
by Julie A Symons | Jan 5, 2016 | Dog Sports
I’ve had Drac home for a week now! Head over heels in love with him! I thought I’d share what I’ve trained this week. Well, it might be a short blog! I feel like I just survived with potty schedule and managing the introduction of a new dog! What I...